This fun project comes together in no time with the help of a zipper and hot glue. Personalize the container with a fashionable zipper or use your favorite colored-plastic bottle for a chic look.

Simple, fun and colourful small stationary items storage. Did we mention practical?
Simple, fun and colourful small stationary items storage. Did we mention practical?

Measure an inch and a half (37 mm) from the base of the water bottle, and mark with a pen. Use sharp scissors to cut away the bottom from the bottle. Do the same with another empty plastic bottle.

An empty poly bottle and a pair of scissors and you're on your way...
An empty poly bottle and a pair of scissors and you’re on your way…

Select a zipper that wraps around the bottle comfortably. We found a seven-inch zipper fits perfectly with an 18- or 20-ounce bottle. Secure the zipper to the inside of one bottle with hot glue. Create small lines of glue and press quickly while hot for best results.

Get your zipper and glue gun.
Get your zipper and glue gun.

Open the zipper, and attach the top just like you did the bottom.

Now the other half...
Now the other half…

Zip the container together, and you’re ready to store your stuff!

Ready to roll!
Ready to roll!

How easy is that?



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