Upcycling with books? Don’t get me wrong here – books are treasures. They are one of the most valuable things we could find. They provide entertainment, take you places, give knowledge, and tell you wonderful stories. But admit it, most books become pretty useless to its owners after one or two reads.

Photo by Abhi Sharma

There are books that we want to read over and over again – the ones we want to keep in our collection. There are books that are good for one-time use only, which we can give away or sell.  But there are also books that we don’t see reading again, yet we can’t give away for certain reasons.

The second and third type of books are good candidates for an upcycling or recycling project. I believe that such projects do not make books go to waste but rather they give books a new, meaningful purpose. Scroll down to see the various things we could make with old books. They are beautiful examples, you might decide to do one yourself! 🙂


Upcycled Book Projects

Isn’t this a beautiful Christmas tree? (from Family Sponge)

Upcycled Book Projects

Would you like to sit on a chair like this while reading a good book? (from Colossal)

Upcycled Book Projects

A vintage book coffee table with even just a cardboard top still looks wonderful, isn’t it? (from 100 Classics Challenge)

Upcycled Book Projects

What do you think of this table made entirely out of books? (from Design Addict Mom)


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