Insanely Clever Crafts You Can Make With Recycled Cardboard

Carboard boxes easily pile up in our homes. Most of the time we reuse them as storage for other things or they head for the trash (or hopefully, recycling) bin. Sometimes they’ll even get used as a protective cover for when we’re doing messy DIY projects. But there are also lots of beautiful things you […]
Fun And Creative Crafts With Recycled Plastic Soda Bottles

Though we can’t say that everybody drinks soda, we’re sure that every household buys products in plastic bottle containers. Now before you throw away those plastic bottles, you might want to consider these creative upcycling projects. There are several great ideas out there, for small water bottles up to 2-liter soda bottles. Some are simply […]
DIY Cork Stamps

This is one of the most common and easiest ideas to do with old corks from wine bottles. Since corks are basically just taken out of tree trunks, no two pieces are alike. Their surfaces are unique. Therefore by turning them into stamps you also have a unique design without having to spend a single penny […]